General Data: Locality description, dialect classification, sound system, informants, fieldworkers
In an alley (Marta Ivaylova, 29.09.2012)
About the locality:
The older name of the village Balta Lungă more recently refers to one neighbourhood in it. Bulgarian settlers come in two waves: in 1806–1814 and 1828–1834 (Roman, L. 1984: 139). The 1838 registry of the population claims the presence of 55 “Serbian” families (Velichi, C. N. 1965: 113). The local oral tradition establishes a connection of the refugees who founded the village with the Bulgaria-based village Pordim, region Pleven; however, the language data do not support this localization. Until the end of the nineteenth century, the residents of Crângeni kept aloof from their Romanian neighbours and preserved their language, traditional costume and customs. The compulsory military service introduced around that time speeded up the process of assimilation (Georgescu, P. 1897: 79; Lahovari, G. I., C. I. Bratianu, G. Tocilescu 1898-1902, 2: 778). G. Weigand includes the village in his atlas as a locality with Bulgarian population (Weigand, G. 1909: Map 67). Dialect texts from Crângeni describing the local wedding customs have been published in Младенов, М. 1994.
More about the locality:
Младенов, М. С. 1993: 39-40
Crângéni, Teléorman,
44.022° N, 24.799° E
Other names:
Balta Lungă, Балта Лунга, Crăceni, Кръчен
Dialect type:
Iskur-Vit (Western)
This dialect is spoken in:
Atârnáţi, Crângéni, Vlădíla
See also:
Sound system according to IPA
Marin Bambov (71, m) illiterate; has not gone to school
Maria Ţecu (77, f)
Stojko Stojkov (1912-1969)
Maxim Sl. Mladenov (1930-1992)
Gheorghe Bolocan (1925-2000)
Dialect Texts: Transcriptions and available audio of the original recordings made on 25.10.1968
1.1.Introduction of the informant [326]
Аbout informants
1.2.Wedding [673]
1.3.Occupation of the informant: agriculture and cattle breeding [455]
2.1.Introduction of a new informant [312]
Аbout informants
2.2.Wedding [674]
2.3.Baptism [055]
2.4.Funeral [225]
2.5.Clothing [114]
2.6.Everyday chores [097]
2.7.Weaving, the loom and its parts and the spindle [589]
2.8.Cultivation of hemp [583]
Cultivating plants
2.9.Crutch for yarn, spindle and distaff [605]
2.10.Clothing, fashion accessories and kitchen vessels in the past [414]
Transcribed by Maxim Sl. Mladenov.
Transcription digitalized by Marta Ivajlova and Darina Mladenova.
Collated with the handwritten transcription by Ivan Radev and Darina Mladenova.
Collated with the recording by Marta Ivajlova.
Romanian glosses:
Thematic index: Ivan Radev.
Final checkup: Olga M. Mladenova.
Digitalization of recording: Information Technologies, University of Calgary.
Initial audio file management: Marina Mikhaylova.
Subsequent audio file management: Stefan Stoykov.

© Olga Mladenova & Darina Mladenova 2001-2018

About the Transdanubian localities. Texts recorded in Transdanubian localities in 1962-1975. Audio recordings. Transcriptions. Dialectology.

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